Monday, July 30, 2007

Look what God has done!

I can't wipe the smile off my face! You aren't going to believe what God has been up too!

Some of you may know that my husband and I ride and compete mountain biking. I'm retired from competing since having kids but hubby has continued on and rides almost everyday.

Well yesterday he had a competition and a good friend he often rides with picked him up and they went together. The kids and I went to church as usual and later yesterday afternoon after hubby had gotten back from the race he just happened to mentioned that... are you ready for this?!!

That his good friend found the Lord! Yes, those were the exact words of my husband and I almost fell over right there in absolute shock! My husband went on to explain in great detail how on the ride to the race and back his friend told him that he found the Lord and was attending church! My husband told me that he said to his friend that he doesn't believe in all that and his friend replied back... "well you should!" Hubby then went on to say that he told his friend about how I found the Lord and am attending church etc. and how my parents are ministers. Aparently they had an indepth discusion on the Lord.

If I ever needed more proof that God is real and in control then this would be it folks! Do you think it is coindidence that EXACT prayers my family and I are praying are EXACTLY being answered? We have prayed that God would line up Christians around my husband to witness to him. And not only that but that these people would be new Christians who came to Christ later in life. I asked my husband "do you think it's chance that your wife and now your good friend and bike buddy are Christians??!!"

God couldn't have picked a better person to be witnessing to my husband. I'm telling you God is a genius! This friend couldn't be more worldly (note "normal") more fun loving and full of life. No sob story that my hubby can't relate too!

How funny that yesterdays sermon was titled What To Do When Waiting On God. It was all about having patience and how God is in control and working things out according to His will in His timing!

James 5:7-8 Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen. You, too, must be patient. Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near.


Anonymous said...

!!! :D :P

This makes me so happy!
Praise God...
It's like this is a game of chess. :P
Whatever happens, I'm trusting God.
Thanks for the new posts, it's so good to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome way that Yahweh is working in your life and your family. I remember hearing about the evangelist James Robinson who vehemently denied the baptism of the Holy Spirit. One night he awoke to hear his wife speaking in a language he knew she did not know! He knew that it had to be geniune if Betty received it!
So, as your husband observes those he knows so well accepting the Lord Jesus as their Savior, he will come to know that Yahweh is real and that Jesus died for his sins too.
Love you--love reading your blog!
Aunt Norma

Anonymous said...

Amen, Hallelujah!! Yes there are giants in the land, but, our God is bigger than the giants. That's the prospective His wants His children to always have.

You and Javair are in our daily thoughts and prayers

We are very proud of you and love you bunches,

Granny and Grandpa

Anonymous said...

Hey sweet niece,
I'm so happy for you and so very proud of you. God loves to show Himself off. What a precious testimony you already have and how much greater it is becoming.

love ya,

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.